1972: Ph.D. on Natural Sciences (Camerino University, MC).

1972-1973: Militar service (15 mesi).

1973-1974: Teacher of Natural Sciences at Liceo Classico (High school).

1974-1977: Three years in Japan at the Kyoto University, Primate Research Institute of Inuyama, funded by the Italian Foreign Office and by the Japanese Ministry of Education (Monbusho).
Subject of research: A study on social interaction and sequential analysis of play behaviour in Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata).

1977-1978: Six months in the Gange valley under the supervision of the Ecological Survey of India (Benares University),
Subject of research: A study on social interaction of Rhesus monkey groups  (Macaca mulatta) living in the Gange valley with the Hindù pilgrims.

1978: Zoological Title “Cultore della Materia” assigned by the Camerino University.

1978-1979: “Visiting researcher” at the Primate Center (TNO) of Rijswijk (The Netherlands), funded by a scholarship assigned by the Italian Foreign Office,
Subject of research: A study on relationship, hierarchical order and play behaviour in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).

1979-1980: Visiting researcher at the California Primate Research Center (University of California, Department of Psychology, Davis, California) under the supervision of the Proffs. W. Mason e E. Sassenrath, funded by NATO-CNR scholarship (Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Subject of research: Mother-infant relationship in relation to infant’s sex in groups of Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in semicaptivity.

1981: Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (Camerino University).

1981: Three months visiting researcher a t the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University, funded by the Italian CNR (Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche), under the supervision of Dr. M.J.A. Simpson and Prof. R.A. Hinde.

1983-1985: Fifteen months visiting researcher at the Sub-Department of Animal  Behaviour, Cambridge University doing research on Rhesus monkeys social behaviours in semicaptivity conditions partially funded by the Calabria University (Italy).

1986: Six months visiting researcher at the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University, funded by the Italian CNR (Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche and by the British Council doing research with Dr. M.J.A. Simpson  on Mother-infant rejecting behaviour in groups of Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) under semicaptivity conditions.

1987: Four months visiting research at the Sud-Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University doing research on mother-infant interactions in Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta).

1988: Four months visiting researcher at the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University. Subject of research: A study on attachment behaviour in Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) using Q-sort methodology, in collaboration with Dr. M.J.A. Simpson.

1989: Visiting researcher a t the Primate Behaviour Research Group, School of Psychology, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa, under the supervision of Prof. Gerald Doyle and funded by Witwatersrand University. Subject of research: A study of mother-infant relationship in Galago senegalensis and Galago crassicaudatus.

1990: Four months visiting scholar at the Sub-Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University, funded by the Italian “Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei” (Roma), and the “Royal Society” of London under the supervision of  Dr. M.J.A. Simpson. Subject of research: A study on attachment behaviour using the “Secure Base  Q- sort” and “Attachment Q-sort” in six groups of Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).

1991: Five months visiting scholar at the Sub Department of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge University, funded by the British Council-CNR.
Subject of research: Attachment behaviour in Rhesus monkeys.

1993-1994: Six months visiting professor at the Ontario Institute for Study in  Education, University of Toronto, Canada. Subject of research: Amerindian cannibalism: practice and discursive strategy.

1994: Fulbright Scholarship (Conc. 5)

1994-20013: Observational studies in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, Venezuela, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Perù, Gabon, Madagascar, India, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Etiopia, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, Ghana, Benin, Tanzania, Kenya, Mauritius, Mayotte, Comore Islands, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Malesia, Laos, Viet-Nam, Cambogia, on monkeys and prosimians into relation with the local human populations.