December 14th 2018: Award III Edition of “Altre maternità” for the Science Spin off Award Eugenio Montale, La Spezia.

May 4th 2019. Special award 10° Concorso Letterario Città di Grottammare (AP).

September 5th 2020. Special award 45° Premio Letterario Casentino, Poppi (AR).

December 13th 2020. Award Premio Letterario Città di Sarzana (SP), 4th place for the essay “La coscienza negli animali”.

June 16th 2021. Award “I murazzi 2020” (Torino) for the essay “La coscienza negli animali”.

October 16th 2021. Award “Premio letterario città di Como”, Essay section, First place for the book “La coscienza negli animali”.


Contributions at Conferences and Congresses

1978: I° Congress of the Italian Anthropological Union Padova, December 1978. A. TARTABINI.
Antropologia e comportamentistica e indagine sperimentale comparata (II nota) i macachi “Sapiens” di Koshima.
II° National Congress of the Anthropological Sciences Convegno, Trieste University Università di Trieste, October 13th-15th 1978.
A. TARTABINI & H. Dienske. Antropologia e Psicologia: Effetti dello sviluppo demografico di un gruppo di macachi rhesus (Macaca mulatta) sulla cura per la prole ed il gioco sociale tra i piccoli.

1980: VIII° Congress of the International Primatological Society, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, July 7th-12th 1980.
A. TARTABINI, P.A. Bertacchini & M.L. Genta. Mother-infant interaction, social grooming and agonistic behaviour in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).

1981: IV° Annual Congress of the Italian Anthropologists, Institute and Museum of Anthropology, Naples University, Castel dell’Ovo, November 27th-28th 1981.
A. TARTABINI. Cure materne nelle scimmie rhesus.

1982: I° Italian Primatological Congress, Congresso di Primatologia, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 1982.
A. TARTABINI, A. Costabile & M.L. Genta. Analisi comparata del comportamento di rough-and-tumble in bambini di età prescolare e in infanti di scimmie rhesus (Macaca mulatta).
II° National Congress “A. Chigi” Association for the Biology of the Vertebrated, Camerino University, September 12th-14th 1982.
A. TARTABINI, I. Testa-Bappenheim & I. Zamberlan.
Un’analisi temporale del rapporto materno-filiale in gruppi di Primati non-umani.
I° Congress of the Division of the “Basic Research in Psychology” Pavia University, Institute of Psychology, Pavia September 30th-October 2th, 1982.
A. TARTABINI, Costabile, A. & I. Zamberlan. Analisi longitudinale di comportamenti relativi alla diade madre-bambino.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI & A. Costabile. Analisi comparata di comportamenti in soggetti di due mesi e delle interazioni diadiche madre-bambino.
IX° Congress of the International Primatological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., August 8th-13th, 1982.
A. TARTABINI. Distribution of the maternal care and social play in a group of macaques (Macaca mulatta).
VIII° Congress of the Italian Society of Ethology, Pisa University, Pisa, October 21st-22nd 1982.
A. TARTABINI. Information theory and social play in a group of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta ZIMMERMAN).

1983: II° National Congress of Primatology, Pavia University, Pavia 1983.
A. TARTABINI. The development of maternal care behaviour in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) during the first months of the infant’s life.
I° Congress Division of Development Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Siena University, Arezzo, October 10th-12th, 1983.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI, I. Zamberlan & P.A. Bertacchini. Analisi di comportamenti sociali e aggressivi in due gruppi di bambini in età prescolare.
XI° Congress of the Ethological Society, Torino University, Torino, October 6th-8th, 1983.
A. TARTABINI & I. Zamberlan. A temporal analysis of social and aggressive behaviour in two groups of Calabrese children observed in two nursery schools.

1984: X° Congress of the Italian Society of Ethology, Trieste University, October 3rd-5th, 1984.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI & A. Costabile. Interactions and social communication in five mother-infant dyads.
A. TARTABINI. An analysis of four behaviour patterns involved in maternal care by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta ZIMMERMAN).
X° Congress of the International Primatological Society, Institute of Primate Research, National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya, July 22nd-27th,  1984.
A. TARTABINI. Mother-infant interaction during an early period of the infant’s development in a group of macaques (Macaca mulatta).
A. TARTABINI & M.J.A. Simpson. Mother’s rejecting behaviour towards newborn rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, living in small groups.
III° National Congress of Primatology, Torino University, June 21th-22th, 1984.
A. TARTABINI. A recording system for animal behaviour.

1985: 19th International Ethological Conference, Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 24th- 28th Aout, 1985.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI & A. Costabile. Some observations of mother-infant communication (2-4 months).
IV° National Congress of Primatology, Cavriglia, Arezzo, October 4th-6th, 1985.
M.L.Genta, A. TARTABINI, A. Costabile & R. Mamertino. Il gioco di rough -and-tumble: un’analisi di comportamenti in 20 bambini prescolari.

1986: II° European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Development: European Perspectives. Istituto di Psicologia, CNR, Roma, September 10th-13th, 1986.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI, A. Costabile & I. Zamberlan. Primary communication in mother-infant dyads (2 months).
V° National Congress of Primatology, Calabria University, Rende, Cosenza, November 7th-9th, 1986.
A. TARTABINI. Methodological and technical problems in the study of mother-infant interaction in non-human Primates kept in seminatural conditions.
XI° Congress of the Italian Society of Ethology, Padova University, Bressanone, May 15th-17th, 1986.
A. TARTABINI & M.J.A. Simpson. Reactions of infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta ZIMMERMAN), to the mother’s rejecting behaviour: a methodological  approach.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI, A. Costabile & I. Zamberlan. Analysis of infant behaviour (8 weeks) in a situation of perturbed mother-infant communication (Blank-Face).
XI° Congress of the International Primatological Society, German Primate Center, Göttingen, July 20th-25th, 1986.
A. TARTABINI & M.J.A. Simpson. How rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) infants and mothers control Nipple contact.

1987: XII° Congress of the Italian Society of Ethology, Catania University, Catania September 28th- October 1st, 1987.
M.L. Genta, A. TARTABINI, A. Costabile & I. Zamberlan. Comportamenti di pre-linguaggio di bambini di 8 settimane in una situazione di Blank-Face.

1988: VI° National Congress of Primatology, Trieste University, June 15th-18th, 1988.
A. TARTABINI & M. Gore. The development of play behaviour in infant Macaca mulatta.

1989: XIII° Congress of the Italian Society of Ethology, Perugia University, May 25th-27th, 1989.
A. TARTABINI, L. Girolami & G.A. Doyle. Neonatal mortality and cannibalism in Galago crassicaudatus.
Congresso Internacional “Biologia e Educacao. Centro Internacional de Epistemologia e Reflexao Transdisciplinar, Lisboa, Portugal, 12-15 Abril, 1989.
A. TARTABINI. Mother-infant interaction during early period of the infant’s development in a group of macaques.
XXI° International Ethological Conference, Utrecht University, Utrecht, August 9th-17th, 1989.
A. TARTABINI, L. Girolami & G.A. Doyle. Cannibalism and other circumstances of death in Galago.
VIII° Italian Congress of Anthropologists, Parma University, October 12th -14th, 1989.
A. TARTABINI, L. Girolami & G.A. Doyle. Sviluppo ontogenetico del rapporto materno-filaile nei Galagoni.

1991: Monday of Sciences – Istituto Mario NEGRI SUD, Lanciano (Chieti), February 25th, 1991.
A. TARTABINI. Il rapporto madre-figlio nelle scimmie antropomorfe.
Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples. Seminars: “Frontiere dell’Antropologia”, Naples, Wednesday March 20th, 1991.
A. TARTABINI. Il contributo etologico: il modello dei Primati non umani.
VIII° Congress of the Italian Primatological Association (A.P.I.), Ravello (Salerno), May 24th-26th, 1991.
A. TARTABINI & M.J.A. Simpson. Un approccio allo studio dell’attaccamento nelle scimmie rhesus (Macaca mulatta) con il metodo Q-sort.
Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples. Seminars: “Frontiere dell’Antropologia”, Isernia, November 18th-19th-20th, 1991.
A. TARTABINI. Il modello dei Primati non umani e l’evoluzione del comportamento umano.

1992: Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples, International Conversation: “Le Relazioni Familiari, Evoluzione, Biologia, Cultura. Naples, April 2nd-3th,1992.
A. TARTABINI. Il rapporto materno-filiale tra i Primati non umani.

1995: National Congress of A.I.P.Congresso Nazionale A.I.P. Section Developmental psychology. Cesena, September 20th-22nd, 1995.
A. TARTABINI. Altruismo, egoismo e malvagità nei Primati non umani.

1996: Seminar. Unchanging in the history of human: Violence and aggressivity.
Trento University May 22 nd -23 rd, 1996.
A. TARTABINI. Maltrattamento infantile nei primati non umani (con particolare riferimento al rifiuto materno).

1998: Seminars I.R.S.A.E. Marche. The Communicable knowledge. Civitanova Marche (Macerata) October 7th-8th, 1998.
A. TARTABINI. Aggressività nell’uomo e negli animali.

1999: Seminar on “The metaphor in the cognitive sciencies”. Parma University, 1999.
A. TARTABINI. Strategie ingannatorie nei primati non umani.
VI° Congress of Cognitive Sciencies. Turin University, September 24th-25th, 1999.
A. TARTABINI. Individual differences and tactical deception in non-human primates.
XIII° National Congress of the Developmental Psychology Section. Parma University, November 4th-6th, 1999.
A. TARTABINI. Metafora dell’inganno nei primati non umani.
A. TARTABINI. Procedimento Q-sort riadattato per lo studio delle differenze individuali nel comportamento di attaccamento di piccoli di scimmie rhesus (Macaca mulatta).

2003: Congress of Zooanthropology, ORION Association, Bellinzona, Svizzera, April 11th-13th, 2003.
A. TARTABINI. Forme culturali nei primati non umani.

2004: Seminar on Cognitive Sciencies, Florence University, June 23th, 2004.
A. TARTABINI. Psicologia evoluzionistica. Uomini e animali a confronto.

2005: V° Congress of Psychology (Medana, Slovenia) June 15th-18th, 2005.
R. Carbone e A. TARTABINI. Comportamento aggressivo: uno studio etologico su un gruppo di bambini in età prescolare.

2006: VI° Congress of Psychology (Medana, Slovenia) June 16th-17th, 2006.
R. Carbone, Bianchi, V. e A. TARTABINI. Criteri di scelta del partner sessuale in un campione di 300 individui umani.

2006: Annual Congress of the Italian Association of Psychology, Rovereto 2006.
Psychological section, September 13th-15th, 2006.
R. Carbone, Bianchi, V. e A. TARTABINI. Conflitto fra i sessi e preferenze sessuali: quali sono i meccanismi in grado di spiegarne l’evoluzione?

2006: European Day of Languages, Roma (Institution Enrico Mattei), September 26th, 2006.
A. TARTABINI. Linguaggio e lingue: aspetti biologici e culturali. Origine ed evoluzione del linguaggio.

2007: Congress of the Applied Behavioural Society (SISCA Meeting), Cremona, April 15th, 2007.
A. TARTABINI. Il legame di attaccamento nei primati.

2007: XVIII Congress of the Italian Primatological Society, Pisa University, Calci, May 16th-18th, 2007.
R. Carbone, V. Bianchi e A. TARTABINI. Sexual cues: The courtship’s sequence in the human.

2008: National Day of the Dog for Public Utility, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Roma Casa del Cinema, October 18th-20th 2008.
R. Carbone e A. TARTABINI. Il comportamento animale ed umano in situazioni di emergenza.

2008: “Festival della Scienza” of Genova (October 23th-November 4th, 2008).
A. TARTABINI. Estinzione e conservazione dei primati non umani.

2008. “Mondi Animali Festival”. Museo Tridentino of Natural Sciences.
Trento, November 21st-22nd, 2008.
A. TARTABINI. Tecniche di osservazione etologiche e implicazioni comparate uomo-animale.

2009. Summer school on Evolution. Evolution and Behaviour. Monastery Saint Mary of Poblet, Spain, July 6th-11th, 2009.
A. TARTABINI. Evoluzione delle capacità cognitive e dell’intelligenza nei primati non umani.

2009. Campus “Il Futuro Presente” Trajectory of Science- Origin and Evolution.
August 31st- September 5th, 2009. Villa La Magia, Quarrata, Pistoia.
A. TARTABINI. Origine ed evoluzione del linguaggio.

2010. National Academy of Science, Letters and Arts of Modena, March 27th, 2010.
TARTABINI, A. Origine ed evoluzione della comunicazione animale ed umana.

2010. Summer School on Evolution. The Consciousness: Continuity and discontinuity among non-human primates. Monastery Saint Mary of Poblet, Spain, June, 29th-July 1st, 2010.
TARTABINI, A. Un problema di coscienza……nei primati non umani.

2010. Workshop on Human Brain, Human Mind, Human Being. Pontificia Università Gregoriana, October 14th-16th, 2010. Roma.
TARTABINI, A. Origins and evolution of communication.

2010. Seminar: University of Parma. Department of Medieval and Classical Philology, October 29th, 2010.
TARTABINI, A. Mente e comunicazione nell’uomo e negli animali.

2010. Bologna University. Department of Oriental Linguistic Studies. Friday, December 10th, 2010. Bologna.
TARTABINI, A. Spetti evolutivi della comunicazione animale ed umana.

2012. Seminar: Sala Borri- Palazzo Giordani, Provincia di Parma. March 8th, 2012.
TARTABINI, A. Il mondo in bilico. Uomini e scimmie: un destino comune.

2012. Lecture at the Anthon Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples. April, 3rd, 2012.
Homo, but how much sapiens? Our impact on evolutionary processes and biodiversity.

TARTABINI, A. Diffusione ed evoluzione dei comportamenti pre-culturali nei Primati non umani.

2012. Seminar: Popular University of Parma. November 27th, 2012. Animals and anthropocentrism.
TARTABINI, A. Mente e Coscienza nei Primati non umani.

2013. XXI° National Congress. Italian Association of Primatology. Asti University.
April 17th-19th, 2013.
TARTABINI, A. Human language: searching for the origins.

2014. Seminar: Popular University of Parma. February 3rd, 2014.
TARTABINI, A. Origine ed evoluzione del linguaggio.

2014. Seminar, Auditorium Santa Elisabetta Parma, February 13th, 2014.
TARTABINI, A. Il declino del nostro pianeta. Scimmie in pericolo di estinzione.

2014. Seminar: Auditorium Banca Monte Parma, February 27th, 2014.
Round Table: The animals pain questions the religious cultures and laical ethics.
TARTABINI, A. Violenza, estinzione e autolesionismo dell’uomo.

2014. Seminar at the Ethical Festival of Parma. June 6th-7th-8th, 2014.
TARTABINI, A. Uomini e scimmie in pericolo di estinzione

2014. Lecture: Bore (Parma). Review Laboratory of the Profound.
August 30th, 2014.
TARTABINI, A. I primati siamo noi.

2015. la Feltrinelli Books and Music Parma, May 5th, 2015.
TARTABINI, A. Crimini contro l’ambiente.

2015. ARCI CLUB of Parma, December 15th, 2015.
TARTABINI, A. La coscienza corporea nell’uomo e nell’animale.

2016. “Festival della Scienza” Genova (Oct. 27th/Nov. 6th, 2016).
TARTABINI, A. Evoluzione del linguaggio e questioni filosofiche.

2017. Conference “Dall’anima alla mente” San Miniato (PI)(March, 10-11th, 2017).
TARTABINI, A. Attaccamento e rifiuto materno-filiale nei Primati non umani e nell’uomo.

2019. Darwin Day Ascoli Piceno (February 12th, 2019).
TARTABINI, A. Una questione di coscienza.

2019. Parma Etica Conference, July 16th, 2019.
TARTABINI, A. Siamo la prima generazione consapevole di distruggere il pianeta.

2020. “Festival della Scienza” Genova” (22nd Oct/ Nov. 1st 2020).
TARTABINI, A. La coscienza negli animali.